Kizomba Addicts!!!! Kizomba Admires!!!! Kizomba Lovers!!!
Yet another dance season has gone by. Thanks to all participants of this currently ended season. You make us grow strong and proud. Great honour to see you all gradually develop to better dancers.
To your that desires to learning dancing kizomba 🙂
Join our dance classes to get the feeling and art of dancing to the most Sensual Africans Dance. Master the technique of dancing Kizomba and then forget about it, be natural in expressing yourself with passion, rythem and attitude.
Our classes are conducted with lots of intensity, dance discipline and fun.
Major focuses are on getting to understand the music we dance in, the techniques behind the basic steps and body movements of dancing kizomba, the art and skills of dancing to feel good, dancing to express not impress and lastly to allow music, rythem to be the god behind two souls united in making each step and move to be awesome and memorable experience.
In the few years of being dance instructors we have developed great skills of keeping our classes to simple adaptable dance routines/ figures with interesting footworks but challenging leading techniques. Personal feedback is indeed a major focus to each participant and thus has helped many to experience drastic and impressive progress in their dance skills.
If the above statement satisfies your wishes, desires and paints a picture of your dream. Then please do not hesitate to join our begginners or intermediate or advanced classes.
Har du lyst til at lære Kizomba, eller bare forbedre dine sociale Kizomba færdigheder, udvikle dine danse kompetencer og stil.
Så er vores Nybegynder, Letøvet og Øvet holdundervisning måske en løsning for dig.
Det bliver bare mega fedt!!!!
7 Classes (1Hr 15min)
Class schedules as of Monday week34 until Monday week40
22 August 2016 – 03 October 2016
1745 -1900 Andvanced class
1915 -2030 Begginers class
2045-2200 Intermediate class
Dkk 600 for a single class
Dkk 1000 for two classes
Dkk 1000 per couple for each class
Dkk 100 for dropin
Max 20 participant in each class, thus hurry and book your space in our dance classes. We strongly recommend registration in couples so that we have a good gender balance.
Der er begrænset tilmeldinger (max 20), derfor skynd jer og tilmeld jer på ønskede hold. Vi vil stærk anbefale tilmeldinger parvis.
Contact us by mail, if your so desire to be part of our dance classes.
Skrive til os på, hvis du ønsker at være med.
Or/ Eller
Call/sms Dee +4587554163
Kontakt Dee på +4587554163
Mobilpay 87554163
Bank trasfer
Danske Bank 4930 4789322279
Vi glæder os til at danse med jer.
So much looking forward to share our dance passion with you.
Kizzzzz hugs
Dee og Fernanda
Kizomba lounge